目前分類:學習筆記 (11)

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By chenbeck

節錄自火鳳燎原#18-#34 - 個人喜歡的句子

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By chenbeck

p.s. 接續:20幾歲,決定男人的一生 (1/2)

6. 凡事都要爭取

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By chenbeck


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By chenbeck

Good delivery requires more than a good spoken presentation. Effective delivery also includes nonverbal delivery which complements the verbal delivery. And there are six nonverbal characteristics that make a speech more interesting:

1. Posture and stance

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By chenbeck

This story takes place in several different locations in both heaven and on earth. The novel begins at Ruby Pier. Eddie grew up very close to Ruby Pier because his father worked there for a living. Ruby Pier was thus a significant setting in Eddie's childhood; the novel flashes back many times to Eddie's childhood involving incidents at Ruby Pier. Ruby Pier is also where Eddie had his career as a maintenance man and is the very place where he was killed on his birthday.

When Eddie is in heaven, which is the bulk of the novel and also where he learns the five lessons, he visits five different settings: Ruby Pier, the battlegrounds on which he fought in the war, mountains, various wedding receptions and a river.

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標題很難下,單純看了jehuen's Blog裡的兩篇讀書筆記,從中了解那兩本書大概在說些什麼,更summary他兩篇心得文,取下我認為實用的部分。

一. 創意達人的筆記本活用術

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Economics focus
The great wall of unemployed

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(From Master No.258)


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Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted. 如果浪費時間讓你開心,那就不算浪費。

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Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.
Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results

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作者: cool (認真的男人最帥) 看板: Hate

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